A good resume is a great marketing tool for your professional skills and experiences. It informs recruiters of your qualifications and suitability for a particular job.
It is, therefore, vital that the resume accurately relays your information to recruiters. However, most hiring managers spend very little time on each resume.
It is, therefore, crucial to ensure you get your information across. Here are a few things you can do to make your resume easy to skim through and avoid missing out on great opportunities:
Prioritize Information
You must prioritize essential information to the employer first. It is best to take the time to organize the information you present on your resume correctly.
Take into consideration the job requirements. It would help to ensure you give that information first before anything else.
You can always take advantage of the BeamJobs tool if you are unsure of what to do. It could be a reference to your educational qualifications or work experience.
Maximize the First Few Words When Bulleting
The first few words of your bullets are more important than the rest of the terms. When a recruiter skims through your resume, they will most likely read only the first few words of a bullet before reading the following line. A recruiter may completely ignore the rest of the terms unless they are very interested.
Therefore, you must maximize the first few words and make them appeal to the recruiter. The terms should make them want to go on reading your resume.
Do Not Exceed More Than Two Lines When Bulleting
Even if you are trying to make your first few words enjoyable, it is crucial to try and keep the lines from exceeding two for each bullet. Writing more than two lines can make your resume seem too lengthy and unappealing.
Maintain the Same Size Font Throughout
To make your resume more readable, it is crucial to maintain its size font throughout. Only your name can have a slightly larger font than the rest. Try avoiding the use of a larger font size for emphasis. Instead, you can use italics or bolding to emphasize some parts of your resume.
Check Your Headers
The job titles and headers on your resume are essential aspects of your resume. It makes it easier for hiring managers to skim through your resume and find any relevant information. They serve as important markers and indicate where to find more information on your resume.
Maintain a Consistent Formatting
You must maintain consistency when formatting your document. Minimize any flashy formatting styles as you try to fit your information on the resume. A consistent formatting style makes it easier for a recruiter to skim through your resume. It also makes it easier for the recruiter to refer back and find something in your resume.
Avoid Using All Caps if Possible
Although many individuals may be tempted to use all caps to emphasize something on their resumes, it is best only to use all caps when you have to. All caps can be harder to skim or scan through than standard text.
It would help to limit the use of full caps to only section headings or when you are writing your name on your resume.
Avoid Centering Your Text
When writing your resume, the text should align to the left. It helps make your text more readable, especially when one is skimming through quickly.
It is important to note that to try and separate your information and avoid having your resume looking clogged up, you can create a separate column for locations and dates and align it to the right.
When Writing About Numbers, Use Digits Instead of Words.
Using digits when writing about numbers makes it easier for hiring managers to better understand your work. It makes your work easily quantifiable, and the numbers are easier to read when skimming through.
Separate Your Work into Sections
It may be helpful to have a separate section to showcase your skills. There is a higher chance that a different section will grab the recruiter’s attention and ensure they get to see what you have to offer them.
Since most job recruiters tend to only skim through resumes, you must try to maximize your chances and make it easier for them to find the correct information about you. It could ensure that you proceed to the next stage of the hiring process.