In all the lists and articles online about what the top qualities for leadership are, you will always find positivity. That is because the most well-known, successful, powerful and inspirational leaders are also positive leaders.
When thinking about being positive a few colleagues, friends or family members may instantly spring to mind. They are the kind of people who appear genuinely happy almost all of the time and it is likely that their positivity wears off on you when you are around them.
Do you find yourself avoiding negative people who always seem to have woes and problems in their lives that just get them down? You probably do, because these people make you feel miserable. We can’t help but be influenced by the emotions of those around us. This is why creating and maintaining a positive atmosphere in any workplace is so important.
Positivity is a powerful leadership quality and it can be a key factor in making or breaking your success as a leader. You want to lead a team of positive and productive people who will achieve your desired goals and be successful. It is the job of any leader to provide their team with a positive working environment that will inspire success.
Everyone has bad days and this is when leaders can face one of their biggest challenges: maintaining a positive energy. It is important to remember that if you enter any meeting feeling negative, either with colleagues or clients, then that meeting is unlikely to go well.
The tips below will help you to create and maintain positivity in your workplace.
You need to instigate the power of positivity
As a leader, you cannot always count on your team to create a positive and motivating working environment. This responsibility lies with you. You should figure out effective ways to get your energy levels up and feel good. If you are in a good mood then you radiate positivity and improve your whole team’s day.
A sense of community promotes positivity
People naturally like to feel that they are a part of something. They want to feel connected to others. Setting group goals as well as individual ones can help your team to pull together and create a good working atmosphere. Encouraging some healthy competition can also help to motivate and focus your team.
You should tackle negativity quickly
Leaders need to be able to spot employee negativity and deal with it before it can start to affect other members of the team. Find out why your team member is feeling negative and where possible address or make changes to dispel it. Allowing more autonomy and control over decision-making and procedures can help to oust negativity.
Praise and rewards make us motivated
It is always important to recognise and reward the success of your team and its individual members. If they only receive constructive criticism from you then they will start to feel demotivated. If you offer support to those who need help as well as acknowledge and reward when people are performing well, then you will have a positive and hard-working team.
You are unlikely to be a positive beacon of happiness at all times, but if you can do your best to be a positive and optimistic leader then you and your whole team will benefit and be more successful.