Author: CareerExperts

Workplace communications, and the mutually beneficial relationships developed from them, are central to career success. Respect from our co-workers, managers, clients and customers hinges on the strength of our interpersonal skills. Strong communication helps us to move forward and upwards in our career, so mastering these skills holds endless benefits for you. Here are 7 ways that you can develop and improve your workplace communications: 1. Be positive Your communication and relationships with colleagues will be most effective if you are a positive person. No one likes to be around moany people with negative attitudes, so try to be the…

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Having a list of things to ask in an interview is an important part of the preparation process. If you are currently preparing for an interview then you have probably thoroughly researched the company, come up with questions you might be asked and planned some great responses. However, in all this interview preparation it can be easy to forget that you should also have a list of things to ask your interviewer. Having a list of questions prepared will benefit you for a number of reasons: You can use your questions to further show off and validate the skills that…

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The success of any business selling products or services is heavily dependent on the development and maintenance of strong relationships with clients or customers. This is why account management is so important. An Account Manager’s skills lie in managing client relations. It is these important relationships that continue to drive the success and results of their organisation. Successful account management means a successful business. Here are 5 top tips that all Account Managers should follow in order to keep those clients happy and coming back for more: 1. Fulfil your Promises As an Account Manager it’s important to do what…

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The UK employment rate, job market and salary statistics are continuously shifting. If you are looking for a new opportunity or are involved in hiring processes at your company, it is important that you keep up to speed. The number of job seekers fluctuates with the change in markets and so do their expectations. With the increasing UK employment rate, today’s job seekers are looking for more than the salaries and packages that were on offer 5 years ago. What you need to know today UK Employment Rate The employment rate now stands at 73.3%. This is the highest rate…

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If you want to know what key skills and personality traits an employer is looking for at your interview then you should revisit the job description. It is also important not to forget the basic things that they expect to see from you. So, what do employers want to see at interview? The infographic below highlights 12 things that you should do when attending an interview. You may think some are obvious, but sometimes it is the simple things that make the most impact.

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Social media is rapidly becoming a popular place to advertise and find job opportunities. To find a job on social media, you do not even have to search. Once you have followed or liked the right pages, the jobs will come to you. Employers and recruiters are now looking for career-driven individuals on social media. They want candidates who show a real interest in their brand. If you want to get ahead of your job seeking competition, social media is a good option to try. Here’s how you can find a job on social media: Step 1: Create Professional Profiles…

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Communication plays a huge part in our daily lives and careers and having good communication skills can often be the difference between failure and success. Taking a communication styles quiz like this one created by Bridgewater Resources UK will allow you to discover how you naturally communicate. It may well give you some food for thought when it comes to working with people who have different communication styles. Understanding communication styles is the first step in becoming an effective communicator. How we prefer to communicate is not going to work well with everyone so it is important to be aware…

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Receiving an invitation to attend a job interview is exciting as you are one step closer to landing a great opportunity. Considering key tips for job interviews will help you to thoroughly prepare for your job interview and to be able to go into it feeling confident. Taking the time to properly conduct research before an interview will enable you to perform at your best and prove to an employer that you are serious and enthusiastic about the opportunity. Your research can also give you the knowledge to stand out from your competition. “Knowledge is power” – this is a…

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Being a manager is hard work and the success of most companies depends on its managers. Possessing the traits of a good manager and utilising these skills can make a big impact on any business. Employees and team members want a manager who they can follow and learn from. A manager needs to be able to motivate and inspire their team to success. Here are 12 traits of a good manager that all leaders should try to possess: 1. Think positive 2. Be honest 3. Delegate 4. Communicate 5. Inspire 6. Align the team 7. Balanced 8. Give credit 9.…

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When the interview nerves kick-in so do the sweaty hands, thumping heart and dry mouth. None of these are very helpful when you need to perform well, so it is important to know how to combat your nerves. We all get nervous about various situations throughout our lives and, unfortunately, our nerves often have a negative impact on how we perform. In your career, you may feel nervous before your interview time, making a pitch/presentation, or prior to a particularly important meeting. Whatever situation your nerves may be affecting, there are a few techniques that you can use to combat them.…

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Every manager has a unique personality and their own tailored set of skills and methods. They do a lot for the businesses they work for. The main challenge that managers face every day is people management and these people management tips may well help you hone your management style and get your team on side. Managers can lead very varied teams full of different personalities. It is, therefore, pretty much impossible to come up with a straightforward formula for being a great manager. There are, however, a few key people management tips that will help managers to lead their team…

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When it’s time for your job search to commence, reviewing your CV and checking CV writing tips should be at the top of your list. We all know that it is important to have a properly-formatted and up-to-date CV. However, while we focus our efforts on ensuring our CV looks great to potential employers, it is easy to overlook simple mistakes that could actually be quite damaging to your application. Once you have sent your CV off, this damage is irreversible. Some mistakes are minor grammatical errors and some are just extremely awkward! These mistakes are actually really easy to…

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It is not hard to find job opportunities especially when looking online, but it can be tricky to find the right opportunity for you. The first challenge that any job seeker faces is where to look for jobs. It is always advisable to try a few different sources when you begin your job search. This will enable you to tap into different opportunities and hopefully find a great one that really suits you and what you are looking for. If you are looking for new sources where you can look for jobs then take a look at the top 6…

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LinkedIn brands itself and is widely recognised as the professional social network and, therefore, the one that is most influential for your career. However, Twitter is hot on LinkedIn’s heels in chasing the professional market and is quickly earning the respectability that it previously lacked as a valuable career site. There have been a few attempts by social media networks to attract professionals to their sites. Facebook attempted a professional-focused app that you are unlikely to have heard of and Google+ just never seemed to fully take off and get active returning members. Twitter, however, seems to be quickly earning…

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If you have an unsuccessful interview for an opportunity that you really wanted, then you can’t help but torture yourself with questions like: Why didn’t they like me? What did I do wrong? Instead of guessing the answers to these questions, you should request interview feedback from the employer so that you can learn from any mistakes you made and move forward with your job search. Being unsuccessful at interview is a part of the job searching process that almost everyone experiences. The important thing to do is try not to let these setbacks knock your confidence. Instead, you should…

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It’s not always easy to be eating healthy at work, especially when starting a new job. But, did you know how much starting a new job can pile on the pounds? Embarking on a new career can be a busy time and quite an adjustment. It is unsurprising therefore that your career move can have a negative impact on your health. A recent survey by a national employment provider reveals that half of UK workers have gained weight since commencing their current job and 15% have gained nearly 1.5 stone (9kg) – equivalent to the weight of a large Pug…

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If you work in sales and are keen to keep up with innovations and industry insights, then there are a few sales experts that you should keep an eye on. These thought-leaders are hot on digital media and easily accessible for you. In today’s digital age, it is more straightforward than ever for salespeople to network and improve their methods. Perhaps surprisingly, a platform that is abuzz with sales professionals and industry advice is Twitter. Below are some of the most vocal and influential sales experts active on Twitter today. They are well-worth following and will definitely help you keep…

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Self-motivation can be hard to maintain, but it is something that all career-driven professionals should be aiming to master. Understanding the psychology of self-motivation is the first step in harnessing its power to make an impact on your career. Scott Geller, a distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Applied Behaviour Systems in the Department of Psychology, discusses the psychology of self-motivation in his inspiring TedTalk. Geller believes that we should all be seeking success and the way to truly achieve it is to keep ourselves motivated. As part of his presentation, Geller explores how we can continue to…

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Writing a job application letter is often one of the things that job hunters struggle with the most. Whether you are trying to find your first career opportunity or are feeling a bit rusty as you haven’t looked for a new job in a while, the job application letter can be a challenge. However, a covering letter is nothing to worry about if you know the rules of writing one. Take a look at the 7 key steps below to ace your job application letter and put yourself on the right track to success! 1. Format and Structure Your job…

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When conducting ourselves at work, in meetings, while making presentations or when attending interviews, we are generally very considered in what we say. However, our employers, colleagues and clients could be taking more from our body language signs than what we actually say. Did you know that the majority of our daily communication is actually non-verbal? Dr. Albert Mehrabian, through conducting numerous studies on nonverbal communication, found that 7% of any message is conveyed through words, 38% through vocal elements, and 55% through nonverbal elements such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc. Incredibly, this means that 93% of our communication…

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